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„In disturbing echoes of the present day, Ahmet Shabo rehearses issues we live with now, in our apparently distant, transformed world, their somber litany a fitting testament to his creator's prescience.“ - Contemporary Fiction
What was going on in the world or what would be tomorrow didn’t matter. All that mattered was this moment of bliss without thought. There’d be a thousand such moments for others, but this one never again. A thousand other people’s loves would be like this one, but this one could never be again. For the first time I knew happiness, felt it, saw it, sensed it. The whole world, the entire universe, the three of us.

+381 69 2562 766

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„In disturbing echoes of the present day, Ahmet Shabo rehearses issues we live with now, in our apparently distant, transformed world, their somber litany a fitting testament to his creator's prescience.“ - Contemporary Fiction
What was going on in the world or what would be tomorrow didn’t matter. All that mattered was this moment of bliss without thought. There’d be a thousand such moments for others, but this one never again. A thousand other people’s loves would be like this one, but this one could never be again. For the first time I knew happiness, felt it, saw it, sensed it. The whole world, the entire universe, the three of us.
Karakteristika | Vrednost |
Kategorija | Domaći autori |
Autor | Meša Selimović |
Težina specifikacija | 0.5 kg |
Oblast | Prevedena domaća književnost |
Podoblast | Domaća književnost |
Pismo | Latinica |
Godina | 2018 |
Format | 145x205x23 |
Broj strana | 352 |
Jedinstvena usluga

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