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Šifra artikla: 23627
ISBN: 978-86-10-01832-5
Šifra proizvođača: 308876
“We are living in an age of unprecedented technical achievement leading to a more and more complete mastery of the forces of nature and annihilation of time and space. But this development, while contributing to our comfort, convenience and safety of existence, is not in the direction of true culture and enlightenment. On the contrary, it is destructive of ideals… The real cause for the fall of nations is the inability of mankind to solve the SOCIAL, MORAL and SPIRITUAL problems. So long as the struggle for existence is such that only the fittest can survive, there is a healthy development under the sway of individualism. When reaction sets in the individual are eliminated, original effort and initiative suppressed and the creative faculties impaired, the race gradually lapses into savagery and perishes. A similar end threatens our present civilization.“ – Nikola Tesla
0,00 RSD
5.990,00 RSD
5.092,00 RSD
Ušteda: 898,00 RSD
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“We are living in an age of unprecedented technical achievement leading to a more and more complete mastery of the forces of nature and annihilation of time and space. But this development, while contributing to our comfort, convenience and safety of existence, is not in the direction of true culture and enlightenment. On the contrary, it is destructive of ideals… The real cause for the fall of nations is the inability of mankind to solve the SOCIAL, MORAL and SPIRITUAL problems. So long as the struggle for existence is such that only the fittest can survive, there is a healthy development under the sway of individualism. When reaction sets in the individual are eliminated, original effort and initiative suppressed and the creative faculties impaired, the race gradually lapses into savagery and perishes. A similar end threatens our present civilization.“ – Nikola Tesla
Karakteristika Vrednost
Kategorija Domaći autori
Autor Branimir Jovanović
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Oblast Prevedena domaća književnost
Podoblast Domaća književnost
Pismo Latinica
Povez Tvrd
Broj strana320
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Od istog autora

Sačuvano u omiljne
На путу објављивања ове књиге нашле су се многе препреке, али је она ипак угледала свет...
1.019,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
1.199,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Kapitalna 22611
Mi živimo u vremenu tehničkih otkrića bez presedana, koja vode sve potpunijem ovladavan...
5.092,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
5.990,00 RSD

Slični proizvodi

Sačuvano u omiljne
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Cena 679,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
799,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
На путу објављивања ове књиге нашле су се многе препреке, али је она ипак угледала свет...
Cena 1.019,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
1.199,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
I novim romanom koji govori o prećutanoj, skrivenoj istoriji Beograda s početka Drugog ...
Cena 849,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
999,00 RSD
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1.099,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Milko Štimac
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Cena 764,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
899,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Pored toga što je živela u godinama burnih istorijskih dešavanja, ni tadašnja književna...
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1.299,00 RSD
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899,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Tematski i stilski razuđena Trilogija ljubavi Aleksandra Đurovića zamišljena je kao slo...
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Sačuvano u omiljne
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Cena 764,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
899,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Miodrag Majić
Zbirka priča „U ime naroda“ prvi put je ugledala svetlost dana 2019. godine. U njoj su ...
Cena 679,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
799,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Dušan Miklja
Pred vama se nalazi istraga koju je pisac odlučio da sprovede i da sve pojedinosti do k...
Cena 679,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
799,00 RSD
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Filip Grbić
„Писање о себи је депресивно. И зато, уместо о себи, Адријан пише о својим болестима, п...
Cena 764,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
899,00 RSD